Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Is this a good graphics card?

Hey, im looking to buy my own computer because i just want my own one and my graphics card on this computer is **** (and i cant upgrade it). So i went to Harvey Norman and found the INTEL CORE I3. It was $1170 (including the screen, mouse, keyboard and hard-drive). On the sign it said it had these functions:

- 1 GB Graphics

- ATI Radeon HD 4350

- 3.06ghz

- 4GB DDR3

- 1033MHz

- Windows 7 Home premium

So, now my questions.

1. Is this a good deal? Or am i getting ripped of and try somewhere else? (I live in western Australia)

2. How would these graphics run on World of Warcraft? (on ULTRA and LOW video settings)? Like what would be the average FPS in stormwind, raid etc.

3. How would these graphics run on Garry's Mod/CS:S? Like what would be the average FPS?

4. How would these graphics run on Minecraft?

5. How would these graphics run on Runescape HD? (I dont play it, but im just wandering).

6. This is a non relevant question about steam so if you dont know, dont bother to answer 6.

If i where to buy a new computer, get steam, and logged into my account i have now on it. Would i have to buy my games again?

7. How would this run on Dragon age origins, fallout new vegas and sims 3?

Thanks.|||This is a very good configuration..will give u the bang for the buck.

For dragon age, i suggest buy a quad core or hex core....for glitch free gameplay!

I use a amd x6 1055t..its a great proci

also do check out hd 5770, i use the same card and its has dx11 and so gaming on win7 is a breeze :)

And no u wouldnt haev to buy the games all over again...u can just dowbload them onto ur new pc :)

Otherwise ur current config will allow u to max out most of the games u listed except dragon age..u need more cores for the simulation requires heavy multi-threading..and many more!!


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