Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Do you think I should trade all of these games into Gamestop?

Xbox 360 games

1. Condemned

2. Unreal Tournament 3

3. The Chronicles of riddick assault on dark athena

4. deadrising

5. resident evil 5

6. fable 2

7. wet

8. ghost recon

9. marvel ultimate alliance

10. forza motorsports 2

11. stranglehold

12. nba street homecourt

13. tomb raider legend

14. the darkness

15. just cause

16. perfect dark zero

17. nhl 08

18 ninja gaiden 2

19. fight night round 3

20. Bayonetta

21. smackdown vs. raw 2007

22. Batman Arkham Asylum

23. Mass Effect

24. crackdown

25. Tony Hawks Project 8

26. the godfather

27. army of two wars force unleased

29. dead or alive 4

30. prototype

31. left 4 dead 2

32. fear 2

33. oblivion

34. saints row 2

35.grand theft auto 4

36. burnout paradise

37. darksiders

38. nba live 10

39. dark sector

40. call of duty modern warfare 2

41. Condemed 2

42. Gears of war

43. gears of war 2

44. far cry 2

45. borderlands

46. rainbox six vegas

47. need for speed most wanted

48. madden 08

49. fallout 3

50. halo 3

51. brutal legend

52. grand theft auto episodes from liberty city

53. bioshock 2

54. lost planet colonies edition

55.dead space

56. bioshock

57. lego batman

58. pure

59. red faction guerrilla

60. assassin's creed 2

61. Clive Bakers Jericho

62. Time Shift

63. Saw

64.Dragon Age Origins

65. Ghostbusters

66. The Saboteur

67. Assassin's Creed

68. Bully Sholarship edition

69.Red Dead Redemption

70. Mercenaries 2

71. Splinter Cell Conviction

72.Halo Reach

73. Alan Wake

74. Silent Hill Homecoming

75. X-men Origins: Wolverine Uncaged edition

76. Quake 4

77. Madden 11

78. Just Cause 2

79. Need for Speed Carbon

80. NBA 2K11

81. Dead Rising 2

82. Mass Effect 2

83. Fear

84. Fable 3

85. Split Second

86. Fallout New Vegas

87. UFC Undisputed 2010

88.Castlevania Lords of shadows

89. Cod Black Ops

PS3 games

1. Uncharted Drakes Fortune

2. Resistance 2

3. Infamous

4. God of war Collection

5. Little big planet game of the year edition

6.Metal gear solid 4

7. Killzone 2

8. Heavy Rain

9. God or war 3

10. Dante's Inferno

11.Heavenly Sword

12. Tomb Raider Underworld

13. Mirror's Edge

14. Final Fantasy 13

15. Battlefield Bad Company 2

16. Uncharted 2

17. Motor Storm

18. Lost Via Domus


20. Alone in the dark inferno

21. Sports Champions

22. Demons Soul

23. Call of duty world at war

24. Mod Nation Racers|||Jeez, you're trading...113 video games into Gamestop!?

You cannot take 113 video games into Gamestop.

I traded in four video games there once and they did not give me money but gave me store credit, so I had to stay there and pick out five video games. They DO NOT give you money- only store credit. So you'd just get a bunch of video games back!!!

But if you still want to trade with Gamestop, I would take in seven games a week. They'd probably give you about eight video games to pick out from their shelves, but I think you have to pick out USED video games, not new ones. That's what I had to do anyways. Plus I got a free video game, one that they were dying to get rid of, it was really easy and cheesy but fun nonetheless.

If you want to sell the video games and NOT get video games back, I would try selling online. Put four video games up on eBay or Amazon a week or something.

I hope I helped!

Good luck getting rich on 113 video games!!!

~Josie Jayfeather %26lt;3

(I own 30 video games myself...nothing compared to your collection ;] )|||No, you'll probably get like 25 bucks max.|||no definitely not youll get like $30 they are bad with trade ins i would go for somethng like ebay and make at least like $200 insted of $20|||no|||i think i have more games than you!

God bless|||YES, zomg! Do you know how much money you'll get?! DO IT! Well only the games you don't actually play, cause theres no point of having them when keeping them longer just decreases the value. Thats a lot of games, holy ****.

Anyways, yea.. do it! (y)|||No, I actually have all these games (and MANY more...) and I've actually played some of these games again when I couldn't get the hottest game or whatnot.

and besides gamestop will rip you of all so I would just try Ebay or something (I doubt you will get more than $4,000 for all of them!)|||No, Kevin, I think the store owners would escort you out of their store if you tried to sell them $4,000 worth of video games. Sell them in maybe bundles of ten games each every two weeks, lest they ban you for making them go bankrupt.|||yes... if you want to be a millionaire... i think that you should not sell some of the First person shooter games... but if you don麓t use them anymore... go ahead...|||Do it if you want but the folks there would probably look at you like O_o

As long as you don't try to trade em all in on the same day then you might get BANNED LOL

RDA|||First of all, Holy crap, nice list. Second, I'd say no to most, yes to those that will not sell on ebay or craigslist. Always try Craigslist and Ebay first. Because, there is always someone willing to pay near full 'used' price on ebay or CL, as opposed to getting between 5-25 bucks at Gamestop.

Example: If Gamestop is selling Mod Nation Racers at 35 used, and will only give you 10 for it, there is always a good chance that someone near you or on Ebay is willing to pay between 15 and 30 for it, some even at or above used price(if they don't check GS prices).

Gamestop is a great store for buying but not so much selling. and with pirating and the rumors that Videogame stores will have to stop selling used games altogether, prices are always dropping.|||In my opinion, I would not sell any of them, but if you're going to sell them, do it on eBay or something, not Gamestop. They're somewhat of a ripoff when it comes to selling games to them

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